Petrus Abaelardus, Sic et non, éd. B.B. Boyer, R.P. MacKeon, Chicago : University of Chicago press, 1977.
J. Barrow, C. Burnett, D. Luscombe, « A checklist of the manuscripts containing the writings of Peter Abelard and Heloise and other works closely associated with Abelard and his school », Revue d’histoire des textes, 14 (1984), 15 (1985), 16 (1986), p. 183-302.
J. Barrow, C. Burnett, D. Luscombe, « A checklist of the manuscripts containing the writings of Peter Abelard and Heloise and other works closely associated with Abelard and his school », Revue d’histoire des textes, 14 (1984), 15 (1985), 16 (1986), p. 183-302.
C.J. Mews, Peter Abelard, Variorum, 1995 (Authors of the Middle Ages: Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West 5): liste de 11 mss p. 55.
CALMA I.1, p. 6.
Au moins 4 mss perdus selon J. Barrow, C. Burnett, D. Luscombe.
Ms ultérieur : Montecassino, Bibl. Abbaziale 174, p. 277-451 (XIIIe s.).
Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT-CNRS), "Notice
de Sic et non, Petrus Abaelardus (1079-1142), dans Pascale Bourgain, Dominique Stutzmann, FAMA : Œuvres latines médiévales à succès, 2019 (permalink : Consultation du 14/03/2025.