
Stephanus Langton (1150?-1228)

Sharpe, Handlist, p. 631


Sermons, prédication



  • J.B. Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters, 1962, p. 159-205 ; 1974, p. 466-507.
  • Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, Studies in the Sermons of Stephen Langton, Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1968.
  • A. Barrat, "The sermons of Stephen Langton. A New Manuscript", Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 43 (1976), p. 111-120.
  • Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, "Stephen Langton and St. Catherine of Alexandria: a Paris Master's Sermon on the Patron Saint of Scholars", Manuscripta 20 (1976), p. 96-104.
  • Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, Selected Sermons of Stephen Langton, Toronto, 1980.
  • Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, "Stephen Langton's Sermo de virginibus", dans Women in the Medieval World. Essays in Honour of J.H. Mondy, éd. J. Kirschner, S.F. Temple, Oxford : Blackwell, 1985, p. 103-118.
  • Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, "Master Stephen Langton Preaches to the People and Clergy : Sermon Texts from Twelfth-Century Paris", Traditio 36 (1986), p. 237-258.
  • R. Quinto, Doctor nominatissimus. Stefano Langton (m. 1228) e la tradizione delle sue opere, Münster : Aschendorff, 1994 (BGPTM, NF, Bd. 39), en part. p. 31-32.

Submit complementary information

Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT-CNRS), "Notice de Sermones, Stephanus Langton (1150?-1228), dans Pascale Bourgain, Dominique Stutzmann, FAMA : Œuvres latines médiévales à succès, 2018 (permalink : Consultation du 14/03/2025.


Stephanus Langton (1150?-1228)